
Odion Learning App is available in Google Play Store

Odion Learning office is located at- 293, District Centre, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. One can reach to us through Google map

We are 24*7 available. A student can schedule his/her class any time according to his convenient we are live 24 hours

Is Odion Learning classes are live?Ans- Odion Learning App offers virtual online classes.Live classes are scheduled at selective times as per the requirements

we normally take the whole year subscription fee one time as we have a large student base and it’s not feasible in our part to follow up all students on monthly basis for fee.

We normally schedule the examination on Sundays and holidays. Prior intimation to all students is made for the scheduled examination.

Normally we give 12 hours time to a student to appear for the examination. A student can find one hour in between the scheduled hour to appear for the examination

Normally we give prizes to one student from one class who tops the examination. In case of ties between many we call for live questioning to all those students to select one

Yes it is fully safe and secure to pay online.

One can deposit cash or cheque through our bank account or can pay through scanning our QR Code

Yes we do give tax invoice for the course fee paid immediately

Of course one should not think of going for any offline coaching after joining our online coaching.

Yes the course fee is inclusive of 18% of GST

24*7 course related and technical support service is provided by the company to its student.

Yes one can visit our office at Bhubaneswar during 9.30 AM to 5.30 P.M. in all working days expect Sunday and holidays